
The Pharmaceutical and Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre (PMBRC) delivers analytical solutions to multiple industrial challenges in the pharmaceutical industry. The centre, one of 15 Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateways, consists of an 800m2 state-of-the-art research facility with over 30 research personnel. A truly multidisciplinary team, researchers at the PMBRC include chemists, biologists, biomedical scientists, physicists and engineers, the centre has established links with national and international partners in industry, academia and medical care institutions.

Pharmaceutical and Molecular
Biotechnology Research Centre

Principal Investigator and Project Lead | SETU | PMBrc

Dr O’Mahony heads up the Smart Systems Development Lab where his research interests include organic electronics, scanning probe microscopy and nanosensing. He is responsible for developing the STREAM manufactured Optical Sensors.

Contact Dr Joseph O’Mahony

South East Technological University (SETU) ICT research wing Walton Institute is a major driver in the emergence of a telecommunications industry in the South East of Ireland. In the last five years alone, Walton has secured funding in excess of €120 million under EU Programmes, making it one of the most successful ICT research centres in Ireland. Walton has a proven track record in translating world-class research into market-ready products and services and has enabled the establishment of an eco-system of mobile service companies in the South East of Ireland and beyond, creating several hundred jobs directly and indirectly in the last ten years.

Walton Institute

Manager Infrastructure Group | Waterford Institute of Technology | Walton Institute

Jerry is the Infrastructure Manager at the Walton Institute with responsibility for the Data Centre, Network, Servers and the Infrastructure Group. He is also the Senior Systems Engineer for Walton and has designed the infrastructural architectures for many of the Walton spin-out companies.

Contact Jerry Horgan

The Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating (WCPC) offers state of the art laboratories at Swansea University’s Bay campus, that are dedicated to the fabrication of the sensor technologies required by the STREAM operation. The WCPC is a university recognised research centre that has a strong track record in undertaking fundamental and applied research in printing, including graphics and functional materials. It is recognised Internationally and is seen as a World leader in this field.

Mae Canolfan Argraffu a Gorchuddio Cymru (WCPC) yn cynnig labordai o’r radd flaenaf ar gampws y Bae Prifysgol Abertawe, sy’n ymroddedig i saernïo’r technolegau synhwyrydd sy’n ofynnol gan weithrediad STREAM. Mae’r WCPC yn ganolfan ymchwil a gydnabyddir gan y brifysgol sydd â hanes cryf o wneud ymchwil sylfaenol a chymhwysol mewn argraffu, gan gynnwys graffeg a deunyddiau swyddogaethol. Mae’n cael ei gydnabod yn rhyngwladol ac yn cael ei weld fel arweinydd byd yn y maes hwn.


Professor in Engineering | Swansea University | WCPC

Professor Gethin is a mechanical engineer and the Co-founder and Co-director of the Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating. Professor Gethins research interests include powder forming with emphasis on tabletting; fundamental scientific work on high speed, high volume graphics printing processes and applied research in the field of polymer electronics with a future emphasis on biopolymers and biosensing devices.

Contact David Gethin

Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR) delivers innovative impacts in the aquatic sciences and education – It has been a Centre of Excellence since 2003. Having the best facilities in Europe to do applied and fundamental research on aquatic ecosystems and organisms from temperate to tropical and marine to freshwater environments. CSAR will be testing the sensor technologies in a controlled recirculating aquaculture system.

Mae’r Ganolfan Ymchwil Dyfrol Gynaliadwy (CSAR) yn darparu effeithiau arloesol yn y gwyddorau dyfrol ac addysg – Mae wedi bod yn Ganolfan Ragoriaeth ers 2003. Mae ganddi’r cyfleusterau gorau yn Ewrop i wneud ymchwil gymhwysol a sylfaenol ar ecosystemau ac organebau dyfrol o’r tymherus i’r trofannol a’r trofannol. amgylcheddau morol i ddŵr croyw. Bydd CSAR yn profi’r technolegau synhwyrydd mewn system dyframaethu ailgylchredeg rheoledig.

Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research

Professor in Biosciences  | Director of CSAR | Swansea University

Professor Garcia de Leaniz began his career in Biology at Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona), he then moved to CEU (Madrid) and the University of Victoria (BC, Canada), where he obtained his BSc. This was followed by a Doctorate at the University of Aberdeen.

Areas of Expertise

  • Behavioural Ecology
  • Conservation
  • Aquaculture

Contact Prof. Carlos Garcia de Leaniz

The Mass Spectrometry Group at MTU has a long-established analytical chemistry research group led by Dr Ambrose Furey, with extensive experience and capability in the areas of elemental and toxicology analysis using techniques such as separation chromatography and mass spectrometry. The group has over 15 years of experience in winning research funding from national and international funding bodies, collaborating nationally with bodies such as Teagasc and major international governmental agencies.

Mass Spectrometry Group

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Sciences and PI in BioExplore | CREATE

Dr Furey is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physical Sciences since 2001, his interests include Analytical Chemistry – LC-MS theory and application, Method Development and Validation; Food Safety, Security and Authenticity, Elemental Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Pharmaceutical Analysis and Natural Product Chemistry; Peptide Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry.

Contact Dr Ambrose Furey

The Halpin Centre for Research and Innovation at NMCI undertakes maritime research for MTU. The centre is a key partner in Ireland’s national effort to build a strong maritime sector. The HALPIN team work closely with other research and innovation teams in MTU, as well as with an extensive network of Irish, European & international partners. With the Irish Naval Service, Halpin provides access to real-life testing environments.

Halpin Centre for Research and

Head of College| PI | NMCI

Cormac is the founding Manager of the HALPIN Centre. Cormac is a member of the NMCI College Senior Executive Team, of the MTU Research Ethics Committee and the MTU School of Graduate Studies Steering Committee.

Contact Cormac Gebruers